[block_title style=”column_title” title=”We’re here to help.”][/block_title]

    [block_title style=”column_title” title=”Contact Information”][/block_title]

    Please fill out the form to the left to send us an email so we can setup a time to talk. Of course, if you would prefer to talk real time, give us a call right now.

    We look forward to partnering with you to transform your organization using the latest technologies.

    [list icon=”linecon-icon-mail”][list_item style=”titledesc” title=”Phone:” desc=”(347) 735-6463″ icon=”linecon-icon-phone” icon_color=”#dd3333″][list_item style=”titledesc” title=”Email:” desc=”info@mindsink.com” icon=”steadysets-icon-email2″ icon_color=”#dd3333″][list_item style=”titledesc” title=”Address:” desc=”Loyola Corners
    Los Altos, CA 94024″ icon=”moon-office” icon_color=”#dd3333″][/list]